Erin Scronce

Erin Scronce is a former marketing manager and website editor at CGAP. In that role, she managed the CGAP corporate website, edited the organization's blog, and oversaw the organization's social media channels.

Prior to working at CGAP, Erin spent four years at The Brookings Institution as an online communications specialist. Scronce holds a master's degree in international economic relations from The American University in Washington, D.C., and a bachelor's degree in international affairs from Fairfield University in Connecticut.

You can reach Erin on Twitter, @erinscronce.

By Erin Scronce


The Smallholder Lens: Financial Success, Struggle in Mozambique

Photos from smallholder families in Mozambique tell the human story behind the data on the unique challenges the world's 475 million smallholder families face.

Geography Matters When Talking about Smallholders

As a smallholder, geography not only determines the climate of your village and the farm-readiness of your land, but also plays a role in determining how well-connected you are to irrigation, inputs like seeds and fertilizer, buyers, markets, and training.

Talking Avocados, Spinach & Catfish with a Tanzanian Rice Farmer

Although Gideon, a participant in CGAP's financial diaries of smallholder families research, is technically a rice farmer, much of his income is comprised of income from other crops and and non-agricultural activities.

Portraits of Financial Inclusion

CGAP's annual photo contest helps bring faces to the conversation about clients of financial services for the poor.

Financial Inclusion 2013: Predictions from the Regions

At the beginning of 2012, CGAP ran a blog series highlighting the unique challenges faced in the financial inclusion space in various regions around the world. A similar series will run in January of 2013, reflecting on our assessments for the previous year and identifying key points for 2013.