Patrick Obodoekea

Patrick Obodoekea has more than 12 years of experience working in telecoms, agritech and fintechs and is currently Head of Transformation - Strategy, Commercials, Partnerships, Product and Project Management at AgroMall in Nigeria. AgroMall offers farmers digitized agronomic, extension, and financial services. Patrick was previously part of the Ericsson team that deployed the Converged Wallet Platform to 13 African countries. He co-authored “Digitization of Last Mile Aggregation and Logistics Services to Enhance Market Access of Farm Produce - Towards Reducing Post-Harvest Losses and Achieving Value Chain Improvement: Making a Case for Improved Income for Smallholder Farmers and Making Rural Economy Work for the Poor" (AgroMall 2020).

By Patrick Obodoekea


For AgroMall, Extending Credit to Women Requires First Convincing Men

With customer data and a credit scoring algorithm, AgroMall set out to offer ag financing to women. The challenges it encountered show why the biggest barrier to women’s financial inclusion isn't always lack of tech or data: it's often social norms.