Get insights from a range of experts in the fintech and platform industry about the advantages of developing financial services tailored specifically to the requirements of gig workers.
This tutorial-style video takes you through the technical journey of data analytics function that supports data-oriented strategic decision making and business development of your company.
A 2-minute video that illustrates new entries to the financial services sector - such as fintechs- can lower costs, bring higher quality services, and help reach previously underserved or unserved people.
In this 8-minute video, Eko co-founder Abhinav Sinha describes the role that APIs have played in his money transfer company’s rapid growth and profitability.
How Financial Inclusion Enables Development
We explore topics related to financial inclusion, as well as the potential of financial inclusion to contribute to development outcomes.
Climate Resilience: Nilamben’s story
Climate Resilience: Nilamben’s story
CGAP VII Outcome Areas
CGAP VII Outcome Areas
Investor Roadmap for Inclusive Green Growth
Investor Roadmap for Inclusive Green Growth
Regulation in a Warming World: The Link Between Climate Risk, Financial Inclusion & Stability
Regulation in a Warming World: The Link Between Climate Risk, Financial Inclusion & Stability
What Do We know About Women-Owned MSEs?
What Do We know About Women-Owned MSEs?
How are Rural Women Disproportionately Affected by Climate Change?
How are Rural Women Disproportionately Affected by Climate Change?
What is Embedded Finance?
What is Embedded Finance?
3 Ways Financial Services Bolster Women's Climate Resilience
3 Ways Financial Services Bolster Women's Climate Resilience
Open Finance in Brazil
Open Finance in Brazil
How Can Insurance Help Build a Green, Resilient & Inclusive Future
How Can Insurance Help Build a Green, Resilient & Inclusive Future
Decoding Financial Inclusion Gaps Between Young Men and Women
Decoding Financial Inclusion Gaps Between Young Men and Women
Facing Climate Events in Nigeria, Farmers Left With Scarce Options
Facing Climate Events in Nigeria, Farmers Left With Scarce Options
Climate Resilience: Urmilaben's Story
Climate Resilience: Urmilaben's Story
Leveraging Transactional Data for MSE Lending
Leveraging Transactional Data for MSE Lending
How Financial Inclusion Advances the SDGs
Digital financial services offer real hope to help the world get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Digital financial services can enable financing for billions of people facing emergencies, such as health crises, natural disasters and conflict. The digitization of public sector wages and social protection schemes in recent years, especially during the pandemic, prompted millions of previously unbanked women to open accounts.