Research & Analysis
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Digital Banks: How Can They Deepen Financial Inclusion?

New technologies and business models are upending long-established markets across virtually every major sector, including the financial services sector. Traditional retail banks are joined by a growing number of digital partners and other competitors. One example are digital banks - firms that adopt new technologies to offer more effective banking services. This slide deck sheds light on the digitalization of banking, describes the three new business models, and hypothesizes about their potential impact on financial inclusion. Upcoming research will be published on two other broad innovation spaces: fintech start-ups and platforms.

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What makes digital banking inclusive? CGAP looks at how three digital banks are innovating and driving financial inclusion: Tyme Bank in South Africa, Kotak 811 in India, and UnionBank of the Philippines.

As a fully digital retail bank in South Africa, TymeBank has created a suite of basic products that cater to the essential financial needs of low-income rural customers.