CGAP Strategic Directions, 2014-2018
Advancing Financial Inclusion to Improve the Lives of the Poor
CGAP’s next five-year strategy (CGAP V) is the result of 15-month-long consultation process during which more than 300 stakeholders have contributed their thoughts and insights in a variety of forums. CGAP member institutions and the Executive Committee provided valuable feedback and guidance on a number of occasions. Together, they encouraged CGAP staff and leadership to be ambitious in setting the direction for the next five years of CGAP’s work toward a world in which everyone can access and effectively use the financial services they need to improve their lives.
This document describes the strategic priorities identified through the CGAP V consultation process. It lays out the context and rationale for the proposed areas of work, related illustrative activities, and a five-year results framework against which progress will be monitored and evaluated.
This document sets forth a strategy framework that will guide CGAP’s contributions to improving poor people’s lives through greater financial inclusion in the next five years. Under this framework, CGAP’s work will evolve over the next five years in line with market developments and will articulate specific activities every year in the context of its annual work planning exercise. How much and how fast CGAP can execute against the priorities laid out in this framework will depend on the resource commitments of CGAP donor members and partners.
This strategy document has six sections following the Executive Summary:
- Section 1 addresses the importance of financial inclusion for the poor, achievements to date, and the unfinished agenda. It draws heavily on the research and evidence.
- Section 2 describes CGAP’s vision, mission, and role. It outlines an engagement model and highlights CGAP’s contributions over the years.
- Section 3 lays out CGAP’s five-year strategic priorities. This is the core of this strategy document, where we articulate for each priority why we should work in this area, what we are trying to achieve, and how we intend to do so.
- Section 4 describes CGAP’s approach to knowledge sharing and community building, an integral component of our work.
- Section 5 lays out the proposed results framework against which CGAP should be held accountable.
- Section 6 outlines current governance issues and provides a high-level budget outlook.