We work to make financial services meet the needs of the world's most vulnerable
Who we are: CGAP is a global partnership of more than 35 leading development organizations that works to advance the lives of people living in poverty, especially women, through financial inclusion.
Our Mission: CGAP works at the frontier of inclusive finance to test solutions, spark innovation, generate evidence, and share insights. Our knowledge enables public and private stakeholders to scale solutions that make financial ecosystems meet the needs of poor, vulnerable, and underserved people and of micro and small enterprises (MSEs), including through advancing women’s economic empowerment.
As a global public good, our independent research and analysis is available to all.
CGAP VII Strategy
CGAP’s five-year strategy (CGAP VII Strategy) covers the period of 2023 to 2028 (FY24-28) and will contribute to making financial ecosystems meet the need of everyone – including those living in poverty and micro and small firms – to enhance their resiliency to shocks and their ability to seize economic opportunities and to participate in a green transition.
To achieve this objective, a critical goal of CGAP VII is to go beyond fostering an increase in the breadth and depth of financial inclusion, i.e., in the access and usage of financial services, to also focus on the utility of financial inclusion. That is, on enhancing the practical benefits and positive outcomes financial inclusion generates.
To achieve this, we will focus on contributing to the following outcomes through our work program:
High-level outcomes
Mobilizing financial services for climate adaptation, mitigation and a just transition
Mobilizing financial services for building resilience to shocks and managing risks
Mobilizing financial services for women and MSEs to capture economic opportunities
And to enable these outcomes, we will focus on the following intermediary outcome and foundational work:
Intermediary outcomes
Increasing the breadth and depth of financial inclusion
Foundational Outcomes
Promoting enabling responsible financial ecosystems and enabling financial sector policies and regulations
Enhancing the effectiveness of impact investing in inclusive finance and the inclusiveness of carbon markets
Generating evidence of what works, where, and for whom
CGAP’s History