Recent Blogs


Everyone Loves Drama: Changing Financial Norms With Edutainment

Edutainment does more than entertain. It shapes our understanding of the world and sparks change – and even the use of financial services. Compelling characters in engaging stories can increase account ownership, savings, and financial planning.

In Burkina Faso, the Most Vulnerable DFS Users Need Better Protection

DFS users in Burkina Faso face significant risks. A national survey revealed key challenges: poor network quality, fraud, and user difficulties. The most vulnerable—women and rural populations—struggle the most.

Tackling Gender Norms in Mozambique's Financial Services

Despite progress, women in Mozambique remain less financially included than men. A GIZ, CGAP, and AMB study reveals deep-rooted gender norms as key barriers, sparking targeted efforts to reshape financial systems for women.

Reflecting on 15 Years of the UNSGSA Driving Financial Inclusion Impact

Marking 15 years of Queen Máxima of the Netherlands and UNSGSA driving financial inclusion impact, CGAP CEO Sophie Sirtaine reflects on the significant strides the industry has made in advancing financial inclusion worldwide.

Customer Focus Brings Green Technology to Rural Women in India

Customer-centricity means understanding people's financial needs and realities. in India uses this approach to offer affordable biodigesters to rural women, leveraging carbon credits.

The Stories Behind Late Repayment on Digital Credit in Cote D’Ivoire

Borrowers in Cote D’Ivoire had higher rates of loan non-repayment than those in Kenya and Tanzania, and CGAP wanted to know why. Qualitative research results shed more light on the users’ experience and the possible causes of the late repayments.

Journey to Kigali: Four Lessons on Peer Learning for Gender Data

When it comes to strategies on gender-disaggregated data for women's financial inclusion, peer learning, diversity of approaches to gender data collection and use, and creative solutions in advancing gender equality in the financial sector are key.

What is Vision-Driven Financial Regulation?

Innovation drives progress, but the law shapes it. CGAP has been exploring the intersection between regulation, innovation, and financial inclusion through research on what makes some regulators better equipped to deal with innovation than others.

Financial Services Amid Crisis: Resilience and Reconstruction in Gaza and West Bank

FSPs in the West Bank & Gaza face unprecedented challenges amid the ongoing crisis, with Gaza's situation changing daily. Eventual stability will bring a flow of aid, making it crucial to support & rebuild the financial sector for future development.

Transforming Côte d'Ivoire's Cashew Sector with Phygital Empowerment

In Côte d’Ivoire, Wi-Agri empowers women farmers with digital tools and on-the-ground support. By understanding the challenges rural Ivorian women face, Wi-Agri is able to design for them rather than around them.

Surveys Reveal a Path to Responsible Digital Finance in WAEMU

For the first time, there is comprehensive data on digital financial services users in the WAEMU region, and it highlights the need for more responsible digital finance ecosystems. Strengthening consumer protection is crucial.

Seven Insights From Samunnati on Income Diversification

In collaboration with CGAP and IDH under ABERA, Samunnati drives business innovation and gender and climate goals. Together, they've identified seven insights on income diversification for women in India, detailed in this blog.

Which Kind of Microfinance Institutions Can Serve Women Best?

CGAP and MFR analysis of 300+ MFIs explores the trends, challenges, and successes in closing the gender credit gap for smaller borrowers and identifies optimal designs for supporting more women clients, more equitably, and in more parts of the world.

Driving Change: Hello Tractor and ABERA

CGAP, IDH, FSD Network & FSD Kenya are working with Hello Tractor as part of ABERA, which empowers rural women in agriculture. We aim to address gender and climate challenges while strengthening Hello Tractor's business and financial service links.

Regulating Finance for Gender Equality: A New Approach

Financial regulators and market facilitators across the African continent have the opportunity to redefine financial sector policymaking, ensuring that gender inclusivity is at the heart of its economic agenda, beginning with these recommendations.

Financial Inclusion 2.0: Embracing a New Outcome Agenda

Financial inclusion has a key role to play as an enabler for development outcomes and as a foundational element to improve livelihoods and build resilience in an ever more vulnerable and turbulent world.

FATF's Proposed Rules for Payments: Balancing Integrity and Inclusion?

As the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) seeks feedback for its revised Recommendation 16, or "travel rule", it is imperative to consider potential impacts on the financial inclusion of low-income customers.

Resilience at All Levels: From Macro-Insurance Solutions to Micro

Unless we can ensure low-income and financially excluded populations have access to insurance to help them build resilience directly at the micro-level, other efforts will be in vain.

Navigating Compound Crises: Microfinance Learnings From Lebanon

Lebanon has faced a recent string of compounding crises, crippling GDP and decimating the Lebanese currency. Al Majmoua MFI survived the freefall and offers valuable insights into the diversity of measures that can be taken in the face of crisis.

Trust and Awareness Will Be Key for Open Finance Adoption in India

India is pioneering open finance in developing economies, with 64 million accounts linked through its Account Aggregator ecosystem as of March 2024. As India continues to scale the ecosystem, early insights could help shape AA's future direction.