The financial inclusion community has been long focused on supporting MSEs, but financial service providers and funders tend to view the entire MSE sector as monolithic, without considering the diversity of firms within that universe, often leading to one-size-fits-all solutions, with unclear impact pathways. In reality, MSEs have a variety of entrepreneurial motivations and journeys, differing financial and nonfinancial needs, diverse experiences in accessing financial services, and a range of attitudes towards digital adoption. This diversity also obfuscates the true impacts of access to finance on MSEs, leading to frequent claims of “mixed and modest” impacts. Effective segmentation can help identify both low-hanging fruits and hard to reach last-mile customers, define market opportunities for providers and support approaches for funders, and inform more nuanced impact hypotheses.

Inclusive credit fintech can help address the US$4.9 trillion global credit gap for MSEs. However, early-stage fintechs face significant challenges in securing diverse funding sources. This focus note explores financing strategies for inclusive credit fintech in Africa, highlighting recent innovations and case studies. It also identifies knowledge gaps that hinder strategy design for international donors and impact investors eager to support digital innovations in MSE credit markets.
This paper is based on primary research conducted with 383 micro and small enterrpises (MSEs) in India, Kenya, and Peru – three diverse emerging markets with a vibrant MSE finance ecosystem that includes strong incumbent providers like microfinance institutions, cooperatives, and banks, as well as innovative new providers like fintechs.
Micro and small enterprises are a vital part of the livelihoods and resilience strategies of poor households across emerging markets. This deck reviews existing impact literature and identifies key knowledge gaps.
The debate over the impact of small business finance is far from settled. Here are four gaps in the evidence base that should be filled to move the debate forward.
Lack of trust in formal financial service providers among MSEs (especially the smallest, poorest, and women-owned enterprises) is a looming concern. While technology offers hope, more needs to be done to gain the trust of customers at the last mile.