Assessing Gender Mainstreaming at CGAP: 2024 Assessment Report

Assessing Gender Mainstreaming at CGAP

The 2024 assessment report report summarizes findings from an assessment of CGAP’s gender mainstreaming efforts.
a woman in a red sari carries a basket of laundry on her head walking through a field towards the water

CGAP VII Strategy (FY24-28)

CGAP’s five-year strategy covering the period of July 2023 through June 2028 —CGAP VII— will contribute to strengthening responsible and inclusive financial ecosystems by elevating the focus of financial inclusion to broader development outcomes.  
Cgap FY23 Annual Report Cover


The FY23 annual report covers the period from July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023 and provides further details on CGAP's areas of work. It highlights specific outcomes of some of our engagements.

CGAP FY 2023 Annual Report

The FY23 annual report covers the period from July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023 and provides further details on CGAP's areas of work. It highlights specific outcomes of some of our engagements.

CGAP FY 2022 Annual Report

Underscoring how fragile our world has become, the global economy has endured multiple, simultaneous blows over the past year, threatening to abruptly reverse decades of hard-won economic and social progress and widening the divide between the world’s richest and poorest.

CGAP VI Strategic Evaluation

This report summarizes findings from the strategic evaluation of CGAP conducted by Dalberg Advisors between February 2020 and June 2022.The evaluation was commissioned by CGAP’s Executive Committee and serves four objectives:

CGAP FY 2021 Annual Report

One of the many lessons to come out the past year has been the vital role that financial inclusion plays in times of crisis. This annual report highlights how CGAP has contributed to the global COVID-19 response.

CGAP FY 2020 Annual Report

By embracing change and playing to our strengths, CGAP has not only been at the forefront of how to mitigate the negative impact of recent developments, we also are exploring what opportunities lie ahead in buildingmore resilient economies for the benefit of poor people.

CGAP FY 2019 Annual Report

CGAP has identified three broad areas where financial services could play a role in improving the well-being of poor people.

About CGAP

CGAP envisages responsible and inclusive financial ecosystems that enable a green, resilient, and equitable world for all. Learn more about who we are.

CGAP FY 2018 Annual Report

This report looks back at key achievements during the final year of the CGAP V strategy.

CGAP Charter

The CGAP Charter was updated in January 2019.

CGAP Strategic Directions FY 2019–2023

This CGAP VI (FY 2019-2023) strategy articulates how CGAP’s work program is evolving in a period of rapid change.

CGAP FY 2017 Annual Report

The FY2017 annual report reflects our work during our current strategy period, CGAP V, in each of our eight initiatives.

CGAP Annual Report 2016

This annual report documents CGAP's progress and activities in Fiscal Year 2016 (1 July 2015 through 30 June 2016). This was the third year of the current strategy, CGAP V, which set idnetified five key priorities.

CGAP Annual Report 2015

Fiscal Year 2015 was one of momentous progress in the field of financial inclusion. CGAP's 2015 Annual Report provides a look back over the past fiscal year and highlights the organization's accomplishments.

CGAP Annual Report 2014

This annual report covers the first year of CGAP’s new five-year strategy and its portfolio of initiatives.

CGAP Annual Report 2013

This Annual Report presents CGAP’s work in Fiscal Year 2013 (1 July 2012 through 30 June 2013), the last year of the previous five-year strategy framework. Following the introduction, the remainder of the Annual Report describes CGAP’s achievements according to the key strategic areas set forth by CGAP’s members for the FY2009–FY2013 timeframe, along with a focus area around clients added two years ago.

CGAP Strategic Directions, 2014-2018

This document describes the strategic priorities identified through the CGAP V consultation process for the the years 2014-2018. It lays out the context and rationale for the proposed areas of work, related illustrative activities, and a five-year results framework against which progress will be monitored and evaluated.

CGAP Annual Report 2012

This Annual Report presents CGAP’s work in Fiscal Year 2012 (1 July 2011 through 30 June 2012). Our key achievements are described according to the key strategic areas set forth by CGAP’s members for FY2009–FY2013, along with a recently added focus area around clients.

CGAP Annual Report 2011

CGAP is a consortium of 33 donors with the common goals to advance access to financial services for the poor. As a global public good, our role is to push the frontiers of the field. CGAP’s 2011 Annual Report describes the progress made last year.

CGAP Annual Report 2010

This Annual Report presents CGAP’s work in fiscal year 2010 (July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010). This work is described according to the key strategic areas set forth by CGAP’s members for 2003–2013.

CGAP Annual Report 2009

This Annual Report presents CGAP’s work in fiscal year 2009 (July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009). This work is described according to the key strategic areas set forth by CGAP’s members for 2003–2013.