David Porteous
David is the founder and director of Bankable Frontier Associates (www.bankablefrontier.com), a niche consulting firm based in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The firm specializes in three practice areas of the access to financial services sector: technology and access to financial services, housing finance and performance measurement for financial institutions. Clients include private telco and banking groups, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors and private foundations. In a previous capacity, David was involved in supporting innovative approaches to the extension of financial services in southern Africa, including several m-banking initiatives. Inter alia, he recently completed a DFID commissioned report on the “Enabling Environment for M-Banking in Africa.” This involved extensive interaction with providers and regulators to identify the potential for impact, as well as the required factors if m-banking is to have a major impact on access to financial services. He is currently working with DFID-CGAP to assess the enabling environment for international remittances to developing countries. David has a B. Commerce (UCT), M. Phil. (Cambridge) and Ph.D. in economics (Yale). He is married to Rebecca and has two sons.