Graham Wright

Founder, MSC

Graham A.N. Wright is the founder and group managing director of MSC. He pioneered much of the core of the market-led approach used by MSC. He has 30 years of experience in emerging markets underpinned by five years of experience in management consultancy, training, and audit with Arthur Andersen in Europe.


By Graham Wright


How Do Financial Systems Support Climate Resilience?

The third in our three-part blog series with Decodis and MSC discusses our finding that different climate events, and different phases of those events, drive different needs for financial services.

Adapting to or Just Muddling Through Climate Change?

The second blog in our series with Decodis and MSC explores our research finding that many poor households are just muddling through climate events rather than strategically adapting to long-term climate change in ways that enhance their resilience.

Facing Climate Events in Nigeria, Farmers Left With Scarce Options

Based on interviews with hundreds of farmers in Nigeria, we unpack how households use financial services in responding to climate events.

Cool in Crisis: How Bangladeshi MFIs Stay Resilient

Through flood, drought and famine, Bangladesh's microfinance industry has survived over the decades and continued to serve low-income customers in times of crisis. What has made Bangladeshi microfinance institutions so resilient?

Sports Betting: Highway to Hell or On-Ramp to Digital Finance?

Sports betting is pervasive in Africa. What impact is it having on how youth use digital financial services?