Janet Heisey

Janet is the Director of the Asia Program for Trickle Up overseeing Trickle Up’s work in India, developing strategic plans and budgets and supporting program design, monitoring and evaluation and fundraising for the region. She also leads the organization’s initiative to integrate people with disabilities in the organization and programs. Janet has worked at Trickle Up since 1999. Previously she worked for the US office for Cambridge University, and a research center in Lima and Quito.

By Janet Heisey


Impact Research and the Role of Coaching In Poverty Reduction

Effective coaching–designed to impart basic financial education and livelihood skills– is a critical ingredient of programs aiming to graduate households out of extreme poverty. How can we more effectively train coaches to address differentiated needs? Impact research plays a crucial role in filling this knowledge gap.

Can We Sustainably Reach the Poorest?

Recent reports reveal that we’re making some progress in the fight against poverty, but there’s been little effect on the most challenging to reach—the ultra-poor.