Jennie Persson
Jennie Persson is a consultant at CGAP, where she researches financial inclusion evidence and impact. She is an M.A. graduate from the international development studies program at The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, where she concentrated in Economic Development and Sustainability. She is particularly interested in issues concerning rural development, financial inclusion and equality. She has researched gendered aspects of agriculture insurance for IFAD and MIC@M, in which she conducted focus group discussions and key informant interviews in Ethiopia. Further, she has field research experience in Burkina Faso on the topic of m-payments and has worked with a women’s empowerment social enterprise in Cambodia, where she tested and implemented new M&E processes, conducted most-significant-change interviews with program participants and wrote donor project reports. Jennie also has experience in global compliance and tax from EY and holds an MSc. degree in international business and economics from Umeå University in Sweden.