Klaus Prochaska

Head of Financial Systems Development, GIZ

Klaus Prochaska is Head of Financial Systems Development at GIZ. He has worked on financial sector development for fifteen years focusing on financial inclusion, digital financial services, financial sector policy, and sustainable finance. He previously held positions with CGAP, the Alliance for Financial Inclusion and Telenor.

Klaus has lived in Austria, Germany, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and the United States. He holds a law degree from the University of Vienna and a Master’s Degree in International Relations from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

By Klaus Prochaska


How Can We Build on COVID-19 Progress in Women’s Financial Inclusion

COVID-19 has led millions of women to open accounts, spurred investments in digital infrastructure, and built momentum around women’s financial inclusion. By taking the right steps, we can push women’s financial inclusion further than ever before.