Munshi Sulaiman

Munshi Sulaiman is Director of Research, Evaluation and Learning for Save the Children. He has previously worked with BRAC for over 10 years conducting impact evaluations on various social programs in Asia and Africa. He has also worked with the Social Protection team at Innovation for Poverty Action. His primary research interests includes extreme poverty, enterprise development and youth employment. He spent a year as Post-Doctoral Associate at Yale University, and completed his PhD on Development Studies from London School of Economics. 

By Munshi Sulaiman


Eliminating Extreme Poverty

Continued reduction of extreme poverty will require targeted interventions to help the poorest increase their standard of living. Effective social protection programs are critical to this effort. Livelihood development programs, lump-sum cash transfers, and graduation programs have the potential to help the very poor increase incomes to move out of extreme poverty.

What’s the Most Cost-Effective Way to Reduce Extreme Poverty?

Over the past year, CGAP and Innovations for Poverty Action have compared the cost-effectiveness of three strands of anti-poverty interventions. Our central question: Which program type generates the greatest and most sustainable impact for the extreme poor, given a limited budget?