Myra Valenzuela

Financial Sector Specialist

Myra Valenzuela works in CGAP’s policy and customer teams. She has more than six years of experience in a range of topics related to financial inclusion. She works on the Global Forum project, where she focuses on global standard-setting bodies and the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion. She also provides regional support on digital financial services regulation and supervision in East Asia. She contributes to CGAP’s Customer Protection and Value project, which seeks develop a customer outcomes framework that can be used by regulators and providers to achieve better outcomes for poor customers through digital financial services and to contribute to customer well-being.

Before joining CGAP, she consulted for various international organizations, including the World Bank and the International Labour Organization. Myra has also worked for a rural bank in the Philippines.

Myra holds a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and an undergraduate degree in International Relations and French from Tufts University. She lives in Manila, Philippines. She speaks Filipino, Italian, and French.

By Myra Valenzuela


Responsible Digital Finance Ecosystem (RDFE): A Conceptual Framework

Building on decades of global and country knowledge, this Responsible Digital Finance Ecosystem (RDFE) conceptual framework seeks to encourage financial sector authorities, and other key ecosystem actors, to boost financial consumer protection in the digital era with a holistic vision of the ecosystem.

Climate-Focused G2P: Beyond Disaster Response

The current focus of G2P programs on emergency response is insufficient to support long-term climate change adaptation. Long-term adaptation must be considered, and designed into programs, to reduce intergenerational vulnerability to climate change.

How are Mobile Money Agents Protecting Customers’ Data in Uganda?

Recent qualitative research in Uganda conducted by CGAP and MicroSave Consulting (MSC) identified good practices for responsible agents in safeguarding their customers’ data and the role that providers can play in promoting these practices.

Consumer Associations: A Major Player in Responsible Digital Finance

In this World Consumer Rights Day blog, we discuss the ways consumer associations can make digital financial services more responsible, especially for women and vulnerable customers.

How Peru Is Elevating the Collective Consumer Voice

The steps Peru has taken to ensure consumers have a strong voice in financial consumer protection regulation may be instructive for other countries working to protect vulnerable consumers.