Open Banking: How to Design for Financial Inclusion


14 October 2020 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT
This event has concluded.

Opening banking regimes free up the troves of customer data locked inside banks, allowing competitors to access the information and develop innovative financial products and services that have potential to better meet the needs of poor people. In this webinar, CGAP's Ariadne Plaitakis presented what types of open banking-enabled products and business models CGAP believes would be most beneficial for financial inclusion, and how these may alleviate pain points of low-income individuals. She discussed implications for open banking regulatory frameworks and identified12 design components that are critical to any inclusive open banking regime.


Webinar Presentation >>

PAPER: Open Banking: How to Design for Financial Inclusion

BLOG: Open Banking: 7 Ways Data-Sharing Can Advance Financial Inclusion

BLOG: Open Data and the Future of Banking


Ariadne Plaitakis

Ariadne Plaitakis consults with CGAP as a a senior financial sector specialist and currently leads their research into open banking regimes. Based in Paris, she has over 20 years of hands-on experience in digital finance and payments regulation, open banking, financial inclusion, data protection and privacy, e-commerce, competition law, and consumer protection in the European Union and emerging markets.