20 November 2019 | Addressing Cyber Security Risks in Emerging Financial Sectors

In this one day workshop, participants assessed why cyber security matters for advancing financial inclusion in emerging and developing countries and discussed what we can do to support the financial sector in addressing and managing cyber risks.
Event Presentations
- Setting the Stage: Cyber security challenges and trends in emerging financial markets | Judith Frickenstein, GiZ; Juliet Maina, GSMA; Komitas Stepanyan, Central Bank of Armenia; Prof. Dr. Dirk Zetzsche, University of Luxembourg
- Existing country and regional initiatives by governments, industry and development partners | Silvia Baur-Yazbeck, CGAP; Rahav Shalom-Revivo, Ministry of Finance Israel; Prof. Dr. Leon Perlman, Columbia Business School; Jean-Louis Perrier, Suricate Solutions Senegal
- Introduction to SecurityMadeIn.Lu and C3 Luxembourg | Pascal Steichen, SecurityMadeIn.Lu
- Building human capital to address cyber risks in Africa's financial markets | Prof. Dr. Tegawendé Bissyandé, University of Luxembourg; Torsten Toellner, Yelbridges Kenya
- Building a cyber security resource center in low-capacity environments | Pascal Steichen, SecurityMadeIn.Lu; Jean-Louis Perrier, Suricate Solutions Senegal
Download PDF of Full Day Agenda >>
Related CGAP Resources
- CGAP panel at European Microfinance Week 2019 "Understanding and Managing Cyber Risks" (Silvia Baur-Yazbeck, CGAP; Paul Makin, Trouver Ltd.; Komitas Stepanyan, Central Bank of Armenia; Jean-Louis Perrier, Suricate Solutions Senegal)
- Cyber Security in Financial Sector Development: Challenges and Potential Solutions for Financial Inclusion (CGAP and GiZ Background Document)
- Cybersecurity for Mobile Financial Services (Webinar and Slide Deck)
- 4 Cyber Attacks that Threaten Financial Inclusion (Blog)
- Cyber Security in Emerging Financial Markets (CGAP Background Document)
External Resources
- The Dark Side of Digital Financial Transformation: The New Risks of FinTech and the Rise of TechRisk (Buckley, R., Arner, D. and Zetzsche, D., November 2019)
- Cybersecurity for financial inclusion: framework & risk guide (AFI, DFS Working Group, 2019)
- Cybersecurity: A governance framework for mobile money providers (GSMA blog, Maina, J., September 2019)
- Data Protection in Mobile Money ( GSMA blog, Maina, J., March 2019)
- Cyber-resilience: range of practices (BCBS 2018)
- Application Paper on Supervision of Insurer Cybersecurity (IAIS 2018)
- Guidance on cyber resilience for financial market infrastructures (BIS and IOSCO 2016)
- Cyber Task Force - Final Report (IOSCO 2019)
- 2019 Cyber Risk Outlook (Risk Management Solutions (RMS) 2019)
- RMS Releases Industry's First Probabilistic Cyber Risk Model (Risk Management Solutions (RMS) 2019)
- Cyber Crime & Cyber Security Trends In Africa 2016 (Symantec 2017)
- Africa Cyber Security Report 2017 (Serianu 2018)
- Briefing on Cybersecurity (UNSGSA Fintech Sub-Group on Cybersecurity, 2018)