Juan Carlos Izaguirre

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Juan Carlos Izaguirre currently leads CGAP’s responsible digital credit work and provides regulatory/supervisory expertise to CGAP’s responsible digital finance ecosystems and supply-side gender-disaggregated data work. Previously, he led CGAP’s work on digital finance supervision, market monitoring, and outcomes-focused consumer protection. He has over 20 years of experience in digital financial inclusion, consumer protection, deposit insurance, and prudential regulation and supervision. He has worked with authorities and standard setters, including the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, to develop and adopt responsible financial inclusion policy, regulation, and supervision. He has also led supervision training with Toronto Centre, Digital Frontiers Institute, Financial Stability Institute, and Boulder Institute of Microfinance. 

Before joining CGAP, Juan Carlos co-founded the World Bank’s Global Program on Financial Consumer Protection, where he co-authored Good Practices for Financial Consumer Protection, and led technical assistance for over 20 countries. Previously, he was a prudential and conduct supervisor at Peru's Superintendence of Banking, Insurance, and Private Pensions. 

Juan Carlos holds master’s degrees in international relations and public administration from Syracuse University, and a master’s in finance from Universidad del Pacífico of Peru. He served for ten years on the Board of GLOBE, the World Bank’s resource group for LGBT+ employees and allies.

By Juan Carlos Izaguirre


Responsible Digital Finance Ecosystem (RDFE): A Conceptual Framework

Building on decades of global and country knowledge, this Responsible Digital Finance Ecosystem (RDFE) conceptual framework seeks to encourage financial sector authorities, and other key ecosystem actors, to boost financial consumer protection in the digital era with a holistic vision of the ecosystem.

The Stories Behind Late Repayment on Digital Credit in Cote D’Ivoire

Borrowers in Cote D’Ivoire had higher rates of loan non-repayment than those in Kenya and Tanzania, and CGAP wanted to know why. Qualitative research results shed more light on the users’ experience and the possible causes of the late repayments.

Digital Financial Services for Financial Inclusion: Tools for Supervisors

This technical guide provides supervisors with tools and practical guidance on supervision of digital financial services (DFS).

Social Media Monitoring to Assess Consumer Risks in Digital Credit Apps: Guidance for Supervisors from an India Pilot

To better understand the digital consumer credit and the risks they pose for customers, this reading deck contains supervisory guidance on the use of a branch of AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP), for social media monitoring. It is based on insights and lessons from an India pilot and provides examples of social media analyses carried out as part of that pilot.

How do Industry Associations Promote Responsible Digital Finance?

CGAP undertook qualitative research on how industry associations can promote responsible digital finance. We identified 10 activities that support customer-centricity, capability, and collaboration – the building blocks of responsible digital financial services ecosystems.