Majorie Chalwe-Mulenga

Financial Sector Analyst

Majorie Chalwe-Mulenga currently works with the incentivizing inclusive investments team and leads work on climate-related financial sector policies, which focuses on risks, opportunities and solutions that climate policies present for financial inclusion. Previously, she worked with the financial consumer protection team and led CGAP’s global research on the evolution of the nature and scale of digital finance consumer risks.

Before joining CGAP, Majorie worked for the Central Bank of Zambia’s financial sector development unit and with the supervision team in the non-bank financial institutions supervision department. She also worked in the private financial sector – in microfinance and commercial banking – leading projects, including branchless banking and KYC re-engineering.

A Financial Risk Manager certified by the Global Association of Risk Professionals, Majorie holds a Master of Philosophy Degree in Development Finance from the University of Stellenbosch Business School and a BSc in Banking and Finance from the Copperbelt University.

By Majorie Chalwe-Mulenga


Exclusion Risks in Climate-Related Financial Regulation: An Analytical Framework

This working paper presents an analytical framework to identify the potential exclusionary effect of climate-related financial sector regulation on the incentives and ability of financial service providers to lend to vulnerable segments in emerging markets and developing economies. The analysis is backed by evidence gathered from three countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, and Colombia.

Are Climate-Related Financial Sector Policies Inclusive for All?

Climate-driven financial policies could inadvertently end up undermining financial inclusion efforts. Authorities and funders must understand the pathways through which risks could occur and the opportunities for supporting green finance effectively.

How Are Climate, Financial Inclusion & Financial Stability Linked?

As financial authorities across the world develop plans to respond to the changing climate, they have opportunities to create a positive feedback loop of expanded financial inclusion and reduced climate risk.

Findex 2021 Insights: Boosting Financial inclusion in Africa

Global Findex 2021 shows Sub-Saharan Africa has made progress in financial account ownership and usage over the past decade but lags behind in closing the financial inclusion gender gap and indicators around the value of financial services.

Mitigating DFS Consumer Risks: Insights from Sub-Saharan Africa

Emerging evidence shows digital finance consumer risks are increasing and, if not mitigated, could undermine users’ trust. We highlight risks that affect digital financial services users in Sub-Saharan Africa and measures to mitigate them.