The Faces of Graduation
The essence of the qualitative research series are the participants themselves. Get to know the faces of graduation. Read their words, and become acquainted with their stories.
In her own words: When my first child was born, there were complications. I had to somehow borrow 6000 Rs to pay for the delivery. Then she got ill, and we had no money to pay for the treatment. She died. Now, for the first time, I have savings in the bank. And I have my honour, knowing that I can take care of my children. | Alganesh from Mekelle, Ethiopia In her own words: As a child, I never went to school. I fetched water, cooked, and looked after the animals. You can say I didn't have much of a childhood. But my children, they are in school. And if I do well with the sheep and goats given to me, I can save and continue to educate them up to university. Our children, they are our ticket to a better life. |
In her own words: Soon after joining the program, my husband left me. I started off doing well - I had a good business, and was going to start selling fish. But since my husband left, I have been left emotionally and financially crippled. The children cry for their father, and he left his debts for me to pay - what am I to do? The program has really supported me in this difficult time, but my business is suffering. I do not know what to do. |
In her own words: My husband has another woman and other children. He comes home once every 10 days without a gourde for my kids. My cousin was the one that helped us by selling us water and giving us something to eat. But the program changed my life. Now, if it were to stop, I could survive on my own, with my business, my savings, the respect I have from my community, my dignity. I will never go back to where I was before. |
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