Financial Inclusion 2013: Predictions from the Regions

At the beginning of 2012, CGAP’s regional representatives produced a blog series that laid out their expectations for financial inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), East Asia and the Pacific (EAP), Europe and Central Asia (ECA), Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Middle East and North Africa (MENA). As we head into a new year and launch a similar new series for 2013, we wanted to reflect back on these posts.


In the sun and under the trees, this craft worker stretches silk fibers for textiles and clothing. In the sun and under the trees, this craft worker stretches silk fibers for textiles and clothing.

Photo Credit: Dinh Manh Tai

The 2012 series highlighted unique challenges in every region, including the issue of responsible finance in ECA, financial sector integration in the East Africa Community (EAC), a call for a greater variety of players – such as retailers and telcos - in LAC, political and social upheaval in MENA, and increasing inequality in EAP. At the same time, calls for innovation and clear policies around financial inclusion were common themes through most of the regions. You can read each of the individual posts below:

Hopes for More Financial Inclusion in the Arab World
2 February 2012
Mohammed Khaled

Financial Inclusion Issues to Watch in East Africa, 2012
26 January 2012
Moses Ochieng

Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Predictions for 2012
23 January 2012
Olga Tomilova

Three Wishes for Latin America in 2012
20 January 2012
Rafe Mazer, Xavier Faz

The Year of the Dragon: More Innovation for Financial Inclusion?
27 January 2012
Eric Duflos

In January, our regional representatives will reflect on what happened in 2012 and lay out their expectations for 2013 in a new blog series. In the comments, tell us about your concerns for each of the regions and let us know how well the 2012 series held up. 

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