Financial Services for Platform Workers: Fulfilling the Demand
Platforms are poised to transform the nature of work low-income people obtain in urban areas of the global South. The digital rails they onboard workers and sellers onto, and the data trails they generate, could transform the kinds of financial services low-income workers can access. But what types of financial services do those workers and sellers really want? And to what extent are providers using platforms’ digital rails and trails to expand the accessibility of the right products?
During this session, speakers unnveiled the findings of a new CGAP publication on the demand for and supply of financial services for platform workers/sellers, based on detailed qualitative research in five countries. The webinar also featured speakers from three platforms and fintechs who are seeking to fulfill that demand, about the potential they see in offering financial services for this segment, and the challenges that need to be overcome in order to do so.
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Xavier Faz | Lead, Business Models, CGAP
Xavier is the lead for CGAP’s work on technology and business models in digital finance. His area of work includes emerging technologies, fintech and digital banking, as well as open platforms. He is also CGAP’s Regional Head for Latin America & the Caribbean.

Gayatri Murthy | Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP
Gayatri leads CGAP's work on platform worker livelihoods. She specializes in inclusive fintech and ensuring technological innovation in finance is correctly harnessed to solve the needs faced by underserved consumers and small businesses.

Tanah Sullivan | Group Head of Sustainability, GoTo
GoTo Group is the largest digital ecosystem in Indonesia, with a mission to “empower progress” by offering technology infrastructure and solutions that help everyone to access and thrive in the digital economy. Tanah is the Group Head of Sustainability at GoTo and leads its environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts across Gojek, GoTo Financial and Tokopedia. Before GoTo, Tanah was at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, where she led partnerships for a range of sustainability-focused initiatives in ASEAN and globally.

Rohit Rathi | CEO & Co-Founder, KarmaLife
KarmaLife offers flexible credit-on-tap to help workers manage their daily cash flows. Rohit is CEO and co-founder of KarmaLife, and also founder of Notion Ink & Smartron. An IIT Kharagpur graduate, and technology evangelist, he designed India’s first tablet PC: NotionInk-adam & tronX platform.

Tim Jamieson | Vice President for Payments & On-Demand, SafeBoda
SafeBoda is a two-wheeler ride-hailing market leader and growing consumer platform that is revolutionizing transportation, payments, financial services, and on-demand services in Africa’s cities. At SafeBoda, Tim has been building the payments and consumer finance business in Uganda and Nigeria. Previously, Tim worked for over a decade within the banking sector in London, holding senior positions in structured derivative sales & corporate risk management. Alongside this Tim has spent time working in Malawi, consulting on macro economic development across the region, and co-founded a digital asset management platform aimed at improving access to finance for fintech lenders in Africa.

Moderator: Rani Deshpande | Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP
Rani is an independent consultant with 20 years of experience in financial inclusion, youth livelihoods, and nonprofit strategy and management. At CGAP, she is currently focusing on how financial services can enhance outcomes for marginalized young women, including through digital platforms.