The Financial Inclusion Navigator is a participatory review process for funders of financial inclusion, facilitated by CGAP as a neutral external party. It is designed to generate insights into how funder operations advance financial inclusion effectively in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and the complex and fast-evolving markets in which they intervene. By participating in the Navigator, funders demonstrate their commitment to financial inclusion as well as an openness to learning.
The Navigator is based on the premise that funders’ internal management systems and processes influence the performance of their programs and investments. The Navigator engages funder management and staff to reflect, stimulate, structure, and monitor organizational change processes, and to test the coherence of a funder organizational set-up and strategic priorities. The output of the review process is a report identifying practices that enable and inhibit progress in supporting financial inclusion, with recommendations and ideas inspired from peers’ experiences.
Benefits to participating funders:
- Internal dialogue on effectiveness and impact in financial inclusion.
- Aligning staff around a common vision of financial inclusion.
- Exploring links between financial inclusion and strategic priorities and SDGs.
- Concrete recommendations and discussions with senior management on financial inclusion.
Benefits to funder community:
- Insights on how different organizations advance financial inclusion priorities and address challenges, contributing to peer learning on effective organizational set-ups for advancing financial inclusion and maximizing impact.
- Promoting coordination amongst funders to effectively deal with common challenges.
AFD Group and Luxembourg’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFEA) are the first CGAP members to participate in the Navigator. The executive summaries from these reports, shared below, highlight key findings.
Please contact Carola Saba, Partnerships Advisor at, and Estelle Lahaye, Senior Financial Sector Specialist, at to learn more about the Navigator and to explore possibilities for your organization.