Explore our collection of videos that offer insights into financial inclusion, and related topics in the sector.
Climate Resilience: Dharmishtaben's Story
Climate Resilience: Dharmishtaben's Story
Investor Roadmap for Inclusive Green Growth
Investor Roadmap for Inclusive Green Growth
How Financial Inclusion Supports Health
How Financial Inclusion Supports Health
Hear from a wide range of technical experts, thought leaders, and financial service users as we explore new trends, controversies, and developments in inclusive finance.
Influence Stories
These stories highlight examples of CGAP’s influence in the financial sector over the years, in terms of stakeholder focus, interventions and activities, and the overall impact.
Key Documents
Check below CGAP key publications, including annual reports, strategic documents, evaluations, and more.

CGAP’s five-year strategy covering the period of July 2023 through June 2028 —CGAP VII— will contribute to strengthening responsible and inclusive financial ecosystems by elevating the focus of financial inclusion to broader development outcomes.

In FY22, CGAP has unpacked new opportunities to advance financial inclusion and to boost livelihoods and resilience. We began exploring new horizons for advancing women’s economic empowerment and building climate resilience through financial inclusion. And we embarked on a new strategy that elevates the focus of our work onto ways financial inclusion can contribute to efforts to address global development challenges. We also continued our ongoing support for the broader financial inclusion sector.

This report summarizes findings from the strategic evaluation of CGAP conducted by Dalberg Advisors between February 2020 and June 2022.
News & Events
Keep up with the inclusive finance and financial inclusion community. Check out the latest news from across the sector, and an extensive calendar of events and events hosted by a wide range of organizations.