International Funding for Financial Inclusion in 2022: Global and Regional Data

These data snapshots were generated from the 2022 CGAP Funder Survey (see publication and methodology). They may be browsed online and you can copy the graphics to share and use in your own presentations. The 2022 CGAP Funder Survey reports funding commitments from 30 international funders, both public and private, as of the end of 2022.

Data snapshots are available at the global and regional level. Each snapshot showcases data responding to the following questions:

  • How much international funding is going to support financial inclusion?
  • What do funders fund? (themes, funding purpose)
  • Who do they fund? (recipients)
  • How do they fund? (funding instruments)
  • Where do they fund? (geographic allocation of funding)

Please note that the data snapshots are best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer. 

Global Data


Regional Data



The total global estimate of international funding for financial inclusion is calculated based on: (i) the CGAP Funder Survey data, plus (ii) microfinance exposures data in the Tameo Impact Fund Solutions PAIF Report, minus (iii) duplicate funding captured in both datasets, and incorporating (iv) appropriate market adjustments. The global estimate excludes policy-based lending activities. 

The 2023 Tameo Impact Fund Solutions PAIF Report is an analysis of investment funds targeting emerging and frontier markets with a development impact focus. Its primary function is to allow impact investors and fund managers to benchmark themselves and improve their knowledge of the industry.

How The CGAP Funder Survey Is Compiled

The CGAP Funder Survey is conducted annually. For 2022, CGAP collected data from the survey’s full set (47 funders), comprising $46.2 billion in commitments. To enable comparability of data over time, year-over-year analysis outside the global estimate is based on a subset of the 30 funders that have consistently participated in the survey and accounted for $41.6 billion of 2022 commitments. For the 2022 edition of the survey, funders were invited to participate in a supplemental qualitative survey. Twenty-five responses were received. 

For more information, see the detailed methodology.

Related Resources


The 2022 CGAP Funder Survey looks at the latest trends in international funding for financial inclusion. Understanding the funding landscape can support better funding decisions and coordination, and ultimately lead to better outcomes for underserved people and communities worldwide.

The Funding Explorer is a set of seven interactive dashboards reflecting active international financial inclusion funding commitments as of December 31, 2022. The Explorer uses data from the 2022 CGAP Funder Survey complemented by publicly available contextual indicators.