Incentivizing Gender Outcomes through Innovative Investment Structures
In recent years, there has been increased attention to designing investment structures that incentivize impact. Yet only 3 percent of investors surveyed in Bluemark’s 2021 report, The Benchmark for Impact Investing Practice, tie impact to financial compensation.
Such models are even less common in gender lens investing (GLI), a subset of impact investing. However, there are promising examples of the financial inclusion sector and beyond intentionally integrating gender into investment structures to contribute to women’s economic empowerment. These stakeholders understand that meaningful gender outcomes are more likely achieved if commercial incentives are baked into investment structures.
This webinar will highlight innovative models used by a range of GLI ecosystem actors – a development finance institution, GLI advisory firm, and a manager of catalytic capital – to integrate gender into investment structures, with a focus on the financial inclusion sector. By sharing these examples, the webinar aims to accelerate the uptake of these models.
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