The data snapshots generated here come from the 2020 CGAP Funder Survey (see publication and methodology), and they may be browsed online or downloaded for sharing and for use in your own presentations. Data snapshots are available at the global and regional levels. The 2020 CGAP Funder Survey reports funding commitments from 18 international funders, both public and private, as of the end of 2020.
Data snapshots are available to download at the global and regional level. Each snapshot showcases data responding to the following questions:
- How much international funding is going to support financial inclusion?
- What do funders fund? (Themes, funding purpose)
- Who do funders fund? (Recipients)
- How do they fund? (Funding instruments)
- Where do they fund? (Geographic allocation of funding)
Global Data
Regional Data
Click on each graphic to download the snapshot.
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Who Do We Survey?
The CGAP Cross-Border Funder Survey, implemented in partnership Center for Financial Inclusion (CFI), is conducted annually and alternates between surveying a full set of 50-plus funders and a smaller set of the largest funders worldwide. In years when the smaller set is surveyed, total funding is estimated by adjusting the survey results against the full set of funders. This enables the global estimate to be reported and compared annually despite the differing sample sizes.
For this year’s survey of 2020 data, CGAP collected data from the smaller set of 18 international funders, both public and private. Public funders include development finance institutions and bilateral and multilateral development/aid agencies. Private funders include foundations, private donors and investors, and microfinance investment vehicles’ assets originating from high net worth individuals and other institutional investors.
What Is Surveyed?
The survey covers funding commitments through December 31 of the survey year. Eligible projects are aimed at advancing financial inclusion either directly or indirectly as part of broader development projects, and may focus on micro and small enterprises, digital finance, women, or youth (among other themes). Funders are asked to report the value of commitments that are explicitly focused on financial inclusion, which is sometimes hard to determine, especially within broader projects. Therefore, the funding estimate should be considered the minimum level of commitments for this purpose.
How Are Calculations Performed?
The total funding estimate is calculated by combining data from the survey respondents and publicly available data from the 2021 Tameo Impact Fund Solutions PAIF Report minus duplicate funding captured in both datasets to avoid double counting and incorporating appropriate market adjustments to account for the full universe of international funders. For more information, see the detailed methodology.