Recent Blogs
The Benefits of G2P Choice: Zambia Leads the Way
In 2017, Zambia introduced a government-to-person (G2P) payments model that lets beneficiaries choose the provider they want to use to receive their payment. Today, the benefits to the recipients, providers and government are clear.Blog
Youth in Agriculture: A New Generation Leverages Technology
Digital financial services can help young people see a future in agriculture.Blog
We Need to Talk About Credit
Digital credit is a testament to the ways in which technology and new business models can assist in the expansion of financial services to low-income households. But it also points to potential hazards of letting a market develop unchecked.Blog
The Role of Financial Services in Reducing Hunger
Many of the world's 1.5 billion smallholder farmers lack access to basic financial services, leaving them vulnerable to shocks and prone to low-risk, low-return investments. Improving access to financial services can help farmers increase household income and food security.Blog
Leading – by Learning – on Customer Centricity
Pioneer, a Philippines-based company, participated in a May 2016 learning visit to South Africa and Zambia to learn from other CGAP partners working on customer centricity: Zoona, PEP, and Hollard. What did they learn?Blog
Learning How To Move A Microinsurance Market From Zambia
Can a market development approach that takes a holistic view, tackling problems of demand and supply, policy and regulation be successful in developing a microinsurance market? Based on our experience in Zambia, we would argue that the answer is yes.Blog
East And Southern Africa: A Region On The Move
In 2012, the region has made strides in financial inclusion through innovative products such as M-Shwari, as well as creative financial sector regulation and policy.Blog
Can Third-Party Providers Lead to New Business Models?
Until recently, Zoona, formerly known as Mobile Transactions could have been considered the best kept secret in Africa. Operating in Zambia on a shoe-string budget, they have been developing their own unique business model for electronic financial services slowly and with little media attention. Now, as of February 2012, this small company has secured investments from three big investors, Omidyar Network, ACCION Frontier Investments, and Sarona Asset Management. All three are banking on the fact that Zoona’s experience and innovative approach to serving a range of consumers situates them to fill crucial gaps in the mobile money transactions and payments market in Africa.Blog
Bank-led or Mobile-led Financial Inclusion?
Payments are an optimal gateway product for financially underserved households. Unlike credit, insurance, and savings, payments do not require trust by either party.Blog