Recent Blogs


The Stories Behind Late Repayment on Digital Credit in Cote D’Ivoire

Borrowers in Cote D’Ivoire had higher rates of loan non-repayment than those in Kenya and Tanzania, and CGAP wanted to know why. Qualitative research results shed more light on the users’ experience and the possible causes of the late repayments.

Journey to Kigali: Four Lessons on Peer Learning for Gender Data

When it comes to strategies on gender-disaggregated data for women's financial inclusion, peer learning, diversity of approaches to gender data collection and use, and creative solutions in advancing gender equality in the financial sector are key.

What is Vision-Driven Financial Regulation?

Innovation drives progress, but the law shapes it. CGAP has been exploring the intersection between regulation, innovation, and financial inclusion through research on what makes some regulators better equipped to deal with innovation than others.

Trust and Awareness Will Be Key for Open Finance Adoption in India

India is pioneering open finance in developing economies, with 64 million accounts linked through its Account Aggregator ecosystem as of March 2024. As India continues to scale the ecosystem, early insights could help shape AA's future direction.

Open Finance Can Reduce Financial Inclusion Gaps: Here’s How

Open finance can be a transformational enabler to unleash the power of data to increase financial inclusion. Data-driven strategies and open finance ecosystems can revolutionize access to financial services, especially for underserved communities.

Cash vs. Digital? Unleashing the Power of DFS through Agent Networks

The rise of DFS has sparked debate on cash's future in developing economies. But, despite increasing adoption of DFS, cash prevails in most global economies, emphasizing agent networks' crucial role as enablers rather than disruptors.

Regular Savings from Irregular Income: How Platforms Can Help

CGAP partnered with fintechs and platforms across Sub-Saharan Africa to understand how they are using digital rails to offer savings products to low-income gig workers. Here, we share what we found.

Is AI Intelligent Enough to Bolster Business Intelligence?

We discuss how business intelligence can be assisted by artificial intelligence today, and where we believe human input remains irreplaceable.

Inclusive CBDCs: Inflated Expectations or A New Productivity?

Where will central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) land on the Gartner Hype Cycle? Are they full of inflated expectations, or a new tool for greater financial inclusion? We explore where CBDCs might provide at least incremental gains.

The Road Ahead for Platform Gig Workers’ Financial Inclusion

Gig platforms offer financial inclusion potential for their workers, but roadblocks remain. Learn how funders and the financial inclusion community can better support innovation and impact on gig platforms.

On Gig Platforms, Women Workers Face Triple Barriers to Inclusion

The type of work that women do on gig platforms makes it harder to connect them to financial services that will translate their income into longer-term gains. We studied six platforms to understand why fintech innovation does not reach women workers.

Why Don’t Fintechs Have a Larger Share of Peru’s MSE Credit Market?

CGAP market sizing research in Peru found that fintechs are only responsible for 0.3% of the MSE credit market. Here, we ask why fintechs have such a small segment of the MSE credit market and posit how that share can be increased.

Maturing India Stack Drives Digital Financial Inclusion of Gig Workers

India Stack, India’s robust DPI, supports a host of financial services products for harder-to-reach segments like gig workers – a good example for other countries that want to leverage digitization of work for financial inclusion of informal workers.

Digital Credit in Côte d'Ivoire: A Double-Edged Service

Digital credit can provide opportunities for financial inclusion and improved resilience, but new survey data from Côte d'Ivoire shows the need for greater consumer protection.

Sudan Dispatch: Inclusive Finance in Times of Crisis

Recent fighting in Sudan has turned the economy upside down and displaced thousands. Our latest blog asks what roles financial services are playing in the unfolding crisis, and why? What must happen next for inclusive finance in Sudan?

Doing Good by Doing Well: Women Banking Agents in India

In India's Bihar state, women Bank Sakhi agents help enable financial inclusion for rural, vulnerable, and hard-to-reach customers, more so than the traditional agents - but various gender norms constrain how they operate. We discuss solutions.

G2P Recipients Are Worth Competing For

Open G2P systems have great potential to connect recipients with a host of PSPs from which they can choose to receive their transfers. TymeBank realized the profitability potential of G2P customers and turned it into a core aspect of their strategy.

How Did Bancolombia Create a Successful Rural Agent Network at Scale?

Bancolombia is a great example of a provider that's been successful in developing rural agent business models at scale, therefore playing a critical role in furthering financial inclusion. Here, we look at the factors that explain their success.

High Tech, High Touch: Bringing Formal Loans to Rural India

Despite its success developing digital public infrastructure to enable inclusive financial development, India still faces challenges in bringing formal credit to rural and low-income households. A new app supported by CGAP aims to provide a solution.

Can Disruptive Innovation Favor Financial Inclusion in Côte d’Ivoire?

Côte d'Ivoire's mobile money market is an excellent opportunity to reflect on whether market disruptions contribute to financial inclusion, given a recent revamp of mobile money business models in the country.